Vaccines Revealed 1 – a provaxer’s view

golIf you have not heard, some chiropractors are starting to band together to put for propaganda on vaccines. I say propaganda because they are doing so in the classic sense of the term.

From Merriam-Webster

Propaganda: ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one’s cause or to damage an opposing cause; also : a public action having such an effect



This is exactly what they are doing. In this post, I am going to write about Vaccines Revealed, a 9-part documentary series produced by chiropractor Patrick Gentempo. As far as I can tell, he does not practice chiropractic these days. Instead, he runs a holding company that owns, among other entities, Circle of Docs, a networking group for chiropractors. It is run by Gentempo and Beau Pierce, another chiropractor. My theory, which is mostly an educated guess, is that Circle of Docs and Vaccines Revealed are about pushing chiropractic to the next level; in other words, they are about marketing. By hooking up with “experts” who oppose vaccines, they are marketing to an audience who is already suspicious about medicine. Promoting these videos, which are basically interviews with the standard antivax players (Wakefield, Goldman, Kennedy, Tenpenny, etc), enables them to promote their own point of view about chiropractic being a viable alternative to medicine. Simply put, they want you to see a chiropractor for your healthcare.

But, I digress. A common occurrence.

Why am I writing about these videos? Because no one will ever be able to accuse me of being closed minded. I watched Vaxxed, did I not?

Therefore, I signed up, via email, to get the free previews. And I watched them. And I rewatched them on youtube. There are 9 episodes and they all were free to view online for 24 hours. But, of course, they are all on youtube for free. Just search!

So, let’s talk about these videos.

Video one: Andrew Wakefield 


Andy starts out with a personal story of mistrusting doctors. He implies all doctors are working only for money and one must trust one’s instincts.  He spends a lot of time talking about autism, which he believes is caused by vaccines, and how debilitating it is to society to have to deal with autism. He talks about special education services and how the burden on the school system is so great that autists are becoming a burden on the social system. He believes the number or autists is growing and it will be a plague. He uses that term, “plague.” He spends some time explaining why he studied MMR. There is nothing new herein. He slanders Brian Deer, as usual.  He still feels he was wronged. Having read his book, Callous Disregard, I feel this is a tiresome argument. Why is he still trying argue that Brian Deer was wrong? There is just too much evidence against you, Andy. Move on.

Andy spends more time talking about Merck and all their evils (according to him).  He believes Merck put people at risk the interest of profit. He does not present any evidence. If you want to read about the Merck Mumps lawsuit, I recommend this blog post. If you want to learn about the CDC Whistleblower, read this fabulous post.   There is no evidence to back his claims that Merck employees should be in prison. He is really very good at hyperbole.

Andy spends some time trying to explain that public perception of vaccines is shifting from trust to anger. He refers to a Michigan study, but of course he misquotes it. Let’s look at the real study.

“One-third of parents who participated in the poll indicated they now perceived more benefits of vaccines, while one-quarter perceived vaccines to be safer now than a year ago. One–third of parents also reported being more supportive of school and daycare entry requirements for vaccination than they were the previous year.

“Over the last year there have been high-profile news stories about outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases like measles and whooping cough. These news reports may be influencing how parents perceive childhood vaccines across the country,” says Matthew M. Davis, M.D., M.A.P.P., director of the National Poll on Children’s Health and professor of pediatrics and internal medicine in the Child Health Evaluation and Research Unit at the U-M Medical School.

“For a quarter to a third of parents to say that their views on the safety and benefits of vaccines have shifted in just a year’s time is quite remarkable. Parents’ perceptions that vaccines are safer and offer more benefits are also consistent their stronger support of daycare and school entry requirements for immunizations.”

Parents were also asked their opinions about the risk of measles and whooping cough compared to a year ago. Two out of every five parents, or 40 percent, believe the risk of measles for children in the U.S. is higher than what it was one year ago. Another 45 percent say the risk is about the same and 15 percent say the risk is lower.”

Well, that certainly does not say to me that more Americans distrust vaccines.

It is fair to say that Andy Wakefield continues to be a lying liar.

Video one: Gary Goldman

Hour two has Toni Bark, homeopath, interviewing Gary Goldman. Goldman is the editor of Medical Veritas, a website and journal. Goldman is often associated with Neil Z Miller, as they have authored several badly done studies on vaccines. Goldman is a computer scientist and seems to think he has expertise in data analysis. I can find no evidence he ever worked for the CDC. It appears he was contracted by third party groups to participate in a study somewhat connected with the CDC. In the video, he is described as a CDC researcher.

Goldman talks a lot about shingles rate increasing because adults no longer have contact with children who have wild chicken pox. He spends a great deal of time discussing his theory, which has been debunked. Of course, he fails to mention this fact. He spends some time talking about the monetary cost of treating chicken pox versus shingles but fails to bring up the shingles vaccine.

The next segment involves Toni Bark talking about how she went to medical school knowing she would not practice mainstream medicine because she wanted to affect change and practice Chinese medicine. This is why she studied homeopathy. She spends some time talking about how vaccine studies don’t use saline placebos. Strangely, she is wrong and does not understand this. She does not mention that most clinical trials use a saline placebo. Use Pubmed, Toni! You will find many saline placebos in vaccine clinical trials. So, is she lying or just ignorant?  She also talks about morbidity and mortality and insists that sanitation and water saved us. She even says the ingredients in vaccines breach the blood brain barrier and cause autism.  She thinks microglial activation is causing autism.


This has all been debunked.




Remember! Always think for yourself!















189 thoughts on “Vaccines Revealed 1 – a provaxer’s view

  1. Pingback: Vaccines Revealed 3 – a provaxer’s view | vaccinesworkblog

      • “Simply put, they want you to see a chiropractor for your healthcare.” While watching Vaccines Revealed, I never saw them encouraging you to see a chiropractor. That is your opinion. I think if you saw your child completely change after a vaccine, you would change your tune and question what is really going on with vaccines. Everyone should be looking into a vaccine just like medication. Both have side effects.


      • “I think if you saw your child completely change after a vaccine, you would change your tune and question what is really going on with vaccines.”

        Since we know correlation does not mean causation, we would actually be looking for the actual reason. It could be very important to find out the most probable cause that going on a wild goose chase because some make a claim based on anecdotes.

        If it comes to autism, some have done that very thing. One thing that caused seizures near the time of the DTP vaccine was Dravet Syndrome. It is just one of of many genetic disorders that cause seizures, and autism like syndromes. About half of the genetic sequences relating to autism and some comorbidities have been found. There is a big project to fill in the gaps, because when they are known then actual treatments can be used. Go to this site and sign up your family to help expand the knowledge:

        “Everyone should be looking into a vaccine just like medication. Both have side effects.”

        Again, we have. The side effects should be compared to the consequences of not vaccinating and actually getting the disease. Or even worse passing on that disease to someone who is vulnerable. Sure, an adult is okay coughing their lungs out for two months with pertussis, but if one of those coughs infects a baby under a few months old it could be fatal.


      • Hahaha!!! So all of thee intelligent and educated people went to all of the effort to make this compelling documentary series freely available to the public – just so chiropractors could make more money?!!! Are you for real?!! The fact that this is the best you could come up with speaks volumes about your true intentions.


      • I laughed at the premise of your article, which is that the intelligent and educated people who produced the extremely compelling docu-series “Vaccines Revealed” produced it just so more people would go to chiropractors. Your response (below) was: “California Chiro Association was the major money lobbying against CA SB277.” So? If I believed passionately that something was wrong, I would probably lobby against it being mandated and imposed on all children too.

        Moreover, I’m not sure how it logically follows from chiropractors opposing a Bill that contravenes individual rights and freedoms, that “Vaccines Revealed” was produced just so chiropractors could make more money? (And really, who’s got the bigger financial interest here – chiropractors, or Big Pharma…?!!)

        Also – the articles you link to certainly don’t illustrate anything which supports your argument that “Vaccines Revealed” was made to benefit chiropractors, or that detracts from the veracity of the information contained in “Vaccines Revealed”. See the following:

        “The chiropractic group’s opposition to the bill should not be considered “anti-vaccine” or “anti-science,” maintained Stenzler. He said the organization does not have a position on vaccines and that he is not qualified to weigh in on the science regarding immunization. For him, what’s most important is preserving parents’ right to opt out of vaccinating their kids.”

        As for Brian Stenzler apparently encouraging stalking – See:

        “I will not standby and allow them to defame me or my organization,” he said.”I think it is despicable and we would never condone any behavior such as stalking, threatening or any type of behavior that is outside of the civil actions of the political process,” Stenzler said.
        Stenzler said he did no such thing and that his words in the video were taken out of context. “We were talking about following the money trail, which is very common in politics,” he explained.

        Answer me this: If the pro-vaccine debate is so infallible – then why is every effort made to quash public debate on it and to silence anyone who tries to speak out with a well-educated, contrary view? If vaccines are so obviously harmless and vital to public health, then why can’t we watch the debate play out on the mainstream media? And why is there a vaccines compensation court / scheme which has paid out billions of dollars???


      • “If the pro-vaccine debate is so infallible – then why is every effort made to quash public debate on it and to silence anyone who tries to speak out with a well-educated, contrary view?”

        And yet your comments are still here for all t see.

        “If vaccines are so obviously harmless and vital to public health, then why can’t we watch the debate play out on the mainstream media?”

        Because there are not both sides. The debate cannot work if one side uses science and the other uses conspiracy theories. There is the same reason that NASA, geologists, cartographers and others do not debate flat earthers.

        “And why is there a vaccines compensation court / scheme which has paid out billions of dollars???”

        You should as Barbara Loe Fisher since she is the one that helped bring about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Please tell us the actual ratio of the total number of vaccines given versus the actual compensated claims are for the last thirty years.


    • This is exactly what i was going to ask 😂 if shes not being paid she is maybe trying really hard to not see the truth because she poisoned her children? I dunno. I have no idea how someone can be so clueless. Wake. The. Fuck. Up.


  2. You say, “It’s been dubunked” over and over without any link to actual studies or research, very much UNLIKE the people who are trying to prove vaccines are harmful. They are all about the research, you are just about opinions.

    Liked by 2 people

      • I am interested in this debate and I followed your link to spark, they do not know what causes autism and would like people to sign up so they can research this issue. I am open minded but would like more information. I went to school in the 60’s and 70’s and was vaccinated with what was given at that time I think six different vaccines, and I remember Rubella was given in high School. I caught mumps, German measles and then chicken pox at 32. what I see now with my children who are now in High school is a raft of kids with learning difficulties that I did not see growing up. in particular dyslexia, Asperger’s, ADHD many have to get specialist classes to deal with them etc.. this is a huge cost to the health care and education system systems. What is causing it? I would like more information to know.


      • Sometimes you cannot rely on your memory. For instance you said you got a rubella vaccine in high school? Why. And how do you know you got the disease later” German measles is rubella!

        The reason you did not see kids with disabilities in school in the 1970s is that they were flat out denied being admitted. That is why the first form of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was passed in 1975. If a kid was disabled they got to go the state run boarding schools for blindness, deafness, and other disabilities. If they were allowed to go anywhere, but definitely not to a regular school.

        Or horrible places like the Willowbrook School. Some news reporter started his career with that:

        It took parents suing school districts to allow their children a right to an education. There are entire books written on the subject. Perhaps you should get yourself to the library to catch up on forty years of history. You can start with with Steve Silberman’s book Neurotribes.


      • Check out her more recent blog posts done over the past year. Also, there is a blog by actual doctors who discuss the “studies” that have been done, you might want to check that out on your quest to catch up on the last decade of research:

        By the way, if you wish to know how much things have changed. In 1991 was was told by a child neurologist my non-verbal three year old was definitely not autistic because he smiled and laughed (granted often at inappropriate times). That was under DSM III. Ever hear of that?

        Fast forward more than twenty years and he qualifies as autistic under both DSM IV and DSM V! Why is that? By the way, even though he has at least normal intelligence (it is just a bit scattered) he would have never qualified with Asperger’s Syndrome under the definition outlined in DSM IV because he could not speak at age three. Which is kind of the reason it was removed in DSM V.

        Can’t figure out what I mean by “DSM”? Well, get yourself to the library and check out Unstrange Minds by Dr. R.R. Grinker.


      • Chris, you can’t link to science based medicine. It’s bias, non credible, and the moderators/writers have no idea what they’re talking about. Good job with your so called “evidence”


      • Who are you to tell me what I can or cannot do? Yes, ScienceBasedMedicine has a bias… it is a bias for science!

        The only reason you do not think they are credible is that they are actual medical doctors, scientists and at least one lawyer who do not heave to your beliefs. If you have some actual factual criticisms. then please present them with the appropriate supporting evidence.


  3. SO….you watched the “previews” and now all of a sudden you can claim that you know all there is to know about “Vaccines Revealed?” Yeah….that’s what I did…went to University science classes for the first 3 minutes of each lecture and claimed I knew it all. By saying that these “experts” are just chiropractors tells me that you really didn’t watch any of the episodes fully because otherwise you would have realized that it wasn’t just “chiropractors.” BUT… by all means, continue to claim it is safe to inject mercury but you sure can’t clean it up after you break a LED light. Good Lord…


  4. Actually, “Vaccines Revealed” is well researched and documented very thoroughly—it’s . The compendium of research and experts included in this series really gives the thoughtful person pause to think about the questionable veracity of vaccines, who they benefit financially, and their historically poor effectiveness. The vaccine schedules are out of control; the CDC recommended 50 doses of 14 vaccines between day of birth and age six and 69 doses of 16 vaccines between day of birth and age 18 and many of these are multiple doses at one sitting—and climbing all the time! What rationale person would intelligently believe that this is a prudent thing to do? As John Stuart Mill said:”The fatal tendency of mankind is to leave off thinking about a thing when it is no longer doubtful, is the cause of half their errors.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well, I wrote about how two so-called “experts” are dangerously wrong. I am surprised you don’t appreciate your children being protected from 14-16 diseases today. I sure do. I am very glad my children have an excellent chance of not having any of these diseases AND two of these vaccines prevent cancer! Excellent!

      As for benefiting financially, every single “expert” in the film, and the two chiros who produced it, benefit financially from selling you lies about vaccines.


    • “The compendium of research and experts included in this series really gives the thoughtful person pause to think about the questionable veracity of vaccines, who they benefit financially, and their historically poor effectiveness.”

      Well, since you brought up all of their research, surely you can tell us all about it, with the proper references. First provide the PubMed indexed studies by reputable qualified researchers on any vaccine on the present American pediatric schedule causes more harm than the diseases.

      Remember someone who has been legally stripped of their right to practice medicine is not reputable (Wakefield, Geier). Also qualified means having the requisite education and experience. So no computer scientists (Goldman), lawyers (Kennedy), finance professors, etc.

      Now about that finance stuff… I find that an interesting argument. Could you please provide the verifiable economic studies that it is much cheaper to let kids get sick with pertussis, measles, mumps, Hib, etc instead of getting a simple vaccine? The studies should be of this kind of caliber (available free through the PubMed index):

      Pediatrics. 2014 Apr;133(4):577-85.
      Economic Evaluation of the Routine Childhood Immunization Program in the United States, 2009.

      J Infect Dis. 2004 May 1;189 Suppl 1:S131-45.
      An economic analysis of the current universal 2-dose measles-mumps-rubella vaccination program in the United States.

      Ah, yeah… “poor effectiveness”… interesting. Before the mid-1960s almost every child in the USA was expected to get measles by they time they were fifteen years old. What happened? You might want to read this (again available free through PubMed):
      J Infect Dis. 2004 May 1;189 Suppl 1:S4-16.
      The clinical significance of measles: a review.

      You should also check this out, it shows what happens when vaccination levels drop:
      Emerg Infect Dis. 1998 Oct-Dec;4(4):539-50.
      Diphtheria in the former Soviet Union: reemergence of a pandemic disease.

      That is why the Russians sent anti-toxins to Spain to help a very sick little boy. Unfortunately it did not work, which is why we try to prevent the “choking angel” (nickname for diphtheria) with the DTaP, Tdap. and Td vaccines.:

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Im watching the Vaccines revealed being run at the moment. The feedback I get from the presentation is for an open debate.
    The producer of vaccines is not libel for damage ( 1986 law passed) .The responsibility to settle for damages is decided by a separate court and the bill paid for by the taxpayers .Cases of damage have been proven and compensated.
    If that law was ever amended it would be interesting to see how the vaccine producers respond.


    • The bill is paid by a separate tax on the vaccines. Barbara Loe Fisher was one who help create the law, especially since several lawsuits were putting vaccine production in danger. Which despite your opinions directly threatened the health of children.

      Now here is a little math problem for you to work on. Here are the latest data:

      Click to access vicp-monthly-report-12-2017.pdf

      Now please look at the first table, and go to the bottom with the “Grand Total” row. Please find the total number of vaccines that have been given during a specific date period (3,153,876,236 total vaccines doses). Then run your finger to the column that has the total number of compensated claims (3,548 total compensated claims). Now divide the first number by the second number.

      Tell us what number you get. Then tell us what it means. Remember, for every math problem you need “show your work.” Please tell us what the term “Settlement” means (read about it on the next page).

      While you are at it, if you think it is a good thing to stop manufacturing of vaccines, then prove that letting kids get sick with measles, pertussis, Hib, diphtheria, etc would cost less than vaccinating. Provide a verifiable economical analysis equivalent to this:
      Pediatrics. 2014 Apr;133(4):577-85.
      Economic Evaluation of the Routine Childhood Immunization Program in the United States, 2009.


      • Im watching the Vaccines revealed being run at the moment. The feedback I get from the presentation is for an open debate.
        The producer of vaccines is not libel for damage ( 1986 law passed) .The responsibility to settle for damages is decided by a separate court and the bill paid for by the taxpayers .Cases of damage have been proven and compensated.
        If that law was ever amended it would be interesting to see how the vaccine producers respond.


      • You seem to be repeating yourself. I am really not interested in someone who does not live in our country talking about changing our laws, especially since you do not understand them. We are experiencing enough insanity from our homegrown idiots in power.

        Just answer my questions. That movie should not have disabled your device’s calculator. I gave you the PDF to the statistics, now come up with that number and explain what it means.


  6. Yes the videos do point to the issue of vaccine producers in the 80s were not making a profit hence the reason for the government to take on the liability.
    Thankyou for your rapid response.
    I still want to hear both sides of the coin.
    At the moment open debate seems to be off the table.
    By settlement I mean compensated monitarily.


    • Try clicking on the pdf I gave you.

      And if you are going to talk “profit” from vaccines, then you will have to come up with the verifiable economic analysis that not vaccinating will be cheaper than treating the diseases. Remember that about one in ten measles cases end up in the hospital. Here is one economic analysis, I expect something of similar quality in your response:
      Economic Evaluation of the Routine Childhood Immunization Program in the United States, 2009

      There can be no “open debate” if you refuse to think for yourself and get some real data. I have both the verifiable data on the American National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, plus an economic analysis of the value of preventing diseases. Now get to work finding some actual data, which means doing real research in your local library and at the PubMed index. Not watching a propaganda movie!


  7. We are losing a generation to autism. Heavy metals affect the brain…vaccines use heavy metals for preservatives and adjuvants. How you could watch those videos and still be cynical is beyond me…the Hep B vaccine and birth and autism rates rise at the same levels when graphed out…no less than 10lb infant needs that vaccine! WE ARE LOSING A GENERATION.


  8. Its just also common sense that all medications are not appropriate for all individuals. Vaccines are highly inflammatory and those with inflammatory issues and a predispostion to auto immune disorders should not partake. The zealots who are so hell bent that 1. tiny babies should be vaccinated for diseases that they will likely never catch (Hep B), and/or are highly unlikely to die from (rotavirus); 2. how anyone who questions the onslaught is ‘anti-science’…isn’t science about questioning? We see vaccine injured people, adverse reactions are very real; and 3. would ever assume that all medications are suitable for all people.

    I think the vaccine zealots are the anti-science community in their passion to not look objectively at the entire issue…

    We should, by this stage in the game, have the technology to produce safer vaccines…its not the viruses that scare me, its the chemicals, adjuvants, heavy metals,etc. etc…”scientists” need to produce a safer product, and since they bear no liability, and sadly, there is little likelihood that they will.


    • “Vaccines are highly inflammatory and those with inflammatory issues and a predispostion to auto immune disorders should not partake”

      So the diseases are not inflammatory? Seriously how are measles, Hib, tetanus, diphtheria, mumps, etc not “inflammatory” when they causes high fevers, rashes, swelling, meningitis, encephalitis, pneumonia, ect?

      All you have to do is convince us by posting the PubMed indexed studies that any vaccine on the present American pediatric schedule causes more harm than the actual diseases?

      Oh, and HepB is transferred in most bodily fluids, it is possible to get. Here is some reading for you:

      Liked by 1 person

      • Vaccines are, for all intents and purposes, made to cause an inflammatory response. You are completely clueless. Search yourself. There’s plenty of data to show this. Look for the answers you’re afraid to find. That’s a step in the right direction.


      • “Vaccines are, for all intents and purposes, made to cause an inflammatory response.”

        So is that response more or less than that of the actual diseases. So does the DTaP cause a more inflammatory response than actually getting diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis? What about the MMR versus measles or mumps? Support your answer with PubMed indexed studies by reputable qualified researchers who are not on the Dwoskin payroll.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Your review is so full of holes and misinformation. Full of ad hominem attacks and nothing substantial. Seems you were in a bit of a hurry. Perhaps you should watch the episode 20 times to fully grasp whats going on. You cant even get the names correct. Is it Goldman or Goldberg. Make up your mind. He worked for a company that did research for the CDC. You want to play the semantic game. Sorry but the DATA is whats important not whether or not he was SUBCONTRACTED to do the studies. You’re grasping at straws because you have NOTHING!! Dangerously misinforming people and putting them in harms way. Shame on you!!


    • “Sorry but the DATA is whats important not whether or not he was SUBCONTRACTED to do the studies. ”

      So we are in agreement then. Please post the PubMed indexed studies by reputable qualified researchers that any vaccine on the present American pediatric schedule causes more harm than the diseases. Remember computer scientists, accountants, lawyers, econ professors, etc are not qualified. Plus those who have been legally stripped of their medical credential are not reputable.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Your mistakes? For one you discredit Goldman (that’s his name not Goldberg) implying that they’re lying that he works for the CDC. Did you actually watch the video this is what he said in the video:

        Dr Goldman specifically states he was:

        “Employed by the Los Angeles county dept of health services in a cooperative project with the CDC”


  10. An inflammatory response from ALUMINUM is NOT the same as getting a disease through the normal pathways of inhalation. You’re clueless.

    TINY inflammatory response? Lol

    How about 9 vaccines simultaneously on a 6 month old. Post your pubmed studies on that.

    Discredited doctors scientists? Discredited by whom and for what reason? BECAUSE THEY DONT ALIGN WITH THE STATUS QUO ON VACCINES!! Prior to that their careers were fine. They could argue against a particular antibiotic or medical treatment and that was OK. As soon as they argue against vaccines all of a sudden they are discredited.

    Sorry but you’re not going to convince me that they all of a sudden had a lapse in judgment or acute loss of memory.

    You’re grasping at straws.

    And again I’m not going to do the research for you. You seem intelligent enough to do it on your own. The wealth of data is there.

    I know people in the high echelons of big pharma and they seem to disagree with you and do not vaccinate their own children.


    • “An inflammatory response from ALUMINUM is NOT the same as getting a disease through the normal pathways of inhalation.”

      How about a skinned knee when falling in dirt. Dirt that is full of aluminum.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lol are you serious? Aluminum in dirt?bwahahahha Now you’re grasping at straws and showing your lack of knowledge. Scraping a knee and getting a toxic overload of aluminum. I can’t stop laughing. This is the silliest thing I ever read. Unless you’re in a mine or around clay you’d have to do some serious scraping to extract aluminum.

        Like I said I know people in the upper echelons of the industry and they don’t vaccinate their kids because according to them, “today’s vaccines are more dangerous because they’ve reduced the amount of antigen and INCREASED the adjuvant.” THats a direct quote.

        Try finding that info on any govt health website.

        Instead what you’ll find them telling you is that today’s vaccines are much better because we reduced the amount of antigen….PERIOD!!! And that’s where it stops. They forget to tell you about the adjuvant. My my what an omission. Why would they do that? Why would they forget to tell you about such an important and toxic ingredient (adjuvant) that is required to actually stimulate an immune response because otherwise without it, NOTHING HAPPENS. Can you answer me that and also answer the question I asked you in my other post which you somehow OVERLOOKED, instead focusing on the ridiculous assertion that somehow scraping your knee can be equated or equivalent to injecting into the muscle deep into the muscle a toxic overload of not only one but numerous vaccines in one doctors visit.

        100 people at a bar are not all going to drink the same amount. 100 people all have different tolerance levels different weights. Out of those 100 there will be some who will drink the same amount but not have the same effect due to the differences mentioned above.

        If a baby at 1 year missed a few shots and the doctor, at one year decided to play the catch up game, it becomes a bit like Russian roulette. That’s just one example.

        Then you have the more susceptible group that is not screened for that susceptibility since they are not included in any of the safety studies.

        So they become test subjects in the real world, true guinea pigs.

        THere are so many variables there is no way you can conclude these things are safe to inject into a newborn or two month old.

        In fact when I was growing up we were only vaccinated at five years of age entering kindergarten. A baby’s immune system is not ready for this type of procedure. The only reason they vaccinate babies is to make sure the parents respect the well baby visit schedules. If you don’t believe me do a little research. It’s sickening.

        Answer me this Einstein why is it that the United States has the highest infant mortality rate in the world and the highest vaccination rate. Why is it that countries with low vaccination rates have low infant mortality rates. Answer these questions answer all the questions I posed instead of talking gibberish about scraping a knee.


      • The USA has an infant mortality rate of 5.8 deaths per 1000 live births which puts us very much in the top countries. Afghanistan is at the bottom with over 100 deaths per 1000 live births. The US IMR also decreased 15% in the last ten years.

        Now, there are many countries with better IMR but here is why:

        1. They count premies differently
        2. They all have universal healthcare
        3. They all have less poverty
        4. They all pay more in taxes and have more social welfare.

        When we fix our social inequity issues and have universal healthcare, we will have an even better IMR.

        And most western countries vax the same as USA.

        Also, our SIDS rate is at an all time low


  11. Lol @ Wikipedia removing his info. And… Your point is?

    Actually what that should signal is a red flag. Why, if this person is innocuous do they have to remove his information. What are they trying to hide. The fact of the matter is that his research is impeccable and has not been refuted. And if you actually watch vaccines revealed episode one you will see how the CDC manipulated the final report on flu deaths from 1991-2008 and omitted the 2009 H1N1 epidemic where they administered two vaccines instead of one, two flu vaccines, one regular and one H1N1 and saw a spike in fetal deaths 153. Why was this number left out? Isn’t it obvious? This is fact not some conspiracy.

    Curiously the author vaccinesworkblog, mysteriously forgot to mention this little tidbit in her/his review.


  12. Dr Wakefield never said vaccines cause autism. Don’t put words in his mouth. Watch the video again and tell me if he actually said those words. He did not. Read his paper. Nowhere in the conclusion does it state that.

    You talk about him slandering Merck. But you failed to mention how he wrote a letter recommending that they stop the MMR and use the single mumps single rubella and single measles vaccine’s spaced apart. Why didn’t you mention that? That clearly shows that he’s not against vaccines but he felt that the combination vaccine could be problematic. Why didn’t you mention that?

    Why didn’t you mention that Merck responded to his letter telling him if they stop the MMR it would ruin the MMR program. So he was right profits over people.

    Why didn’t you mention that when he wrote that letter all of a sudden the Single moms single rubella single measles vaccines were no longer available giving parents no other option but the MMR. Why did you leave that out of your review?

    And I’m just getting started. It’s pretty obvious to me how you put this review together haphazardly grasping at straws and trying to find anything to demonize this man. Nice try but you’re not fooling me or anyone educated on the subject.

    Now go get caught up on all your boosters and make sure you get them all in one doctors visit as insure you are due. Let us know how you feel in a few months.

    I was injured by a tetanus booster.

    And if as you say you watched Vaxxed you’ll know that the clip with Polly Tommy describing her experience with her son Billy and how she was super pro vaccine and she was even cursing out her mother her hippy mother when they were giving Billy antibiotics and her mother was criticizing her daughter i’m probably was tell your mother you don’t know anything you’re not a doctor. Why didn’t you mention that why didn’t you mention that when it came time to give Billy the MMR her friend told her warn her about it and she was cursing out her friend saying “what do you know, if the MMR was so bad it would be all over the news, the doctor would be calling me and telling me don’t come in.”

    But you didn’t mention any of that did you you didn’t mention how these people trusted their doctors trusted the medical establishment until it was too late Billy got all his vaccines these people were pro vaccine until tragedy struck.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for putting these people in such a negative spotlight when all they were doing was trying to do the right thing for their children. (Get them vaccinated to protect them) Shame on you. I hope nothing like that ever happens to any of your children or you.

    You see anti vaxxers are compassionate people but Provo vaxxers spew vitriol all the time. I’ve been told by more than one pro vaxxer that they wish my children and I get polio and die. How’s that for compassion. I would never wish that on anyone. Such mis directed and confused anger. Shame on all of you.


    • “But you failed to mention how he wrote a letter recommending that they stop the MMR and use the single mumps single rubella and single measles vaccine’s spaced apart.”

      What evidence did he have to promote that idea? It was not shown in his very limit case series of a dozen kids funneled to him by a lawyer. Why should Merck change its vaccine production without evidence?

      When he wrote that paper and that letter the MMR vaccine had been used in the USA since 1971, more than twenty years before. The USA is a much larger country than the UK and had been using the combined vaccine much longer. If there was any evidence that the MMR was more dangerous than single vaccines, then it would have shown up. Please provide the verifiable documentation dated before the 1990s that shows a correlation of autism coincident with the use of MMR in the USA during the 1970s and 1980s.

      Because the plural of anecdote is not data. Still waiting for the PubMed indexed studies by reputable qualified researchers that any vaccine on the present American pediatric schedule causes more harm than the diseases.


      • There you go cherry picking. Why did Merck STOP the AVAILABILITY of single shots to parents? You still need to manufacture the single shots before combining them. How does that work? Not giving parents options anymore? Doesn’t that raise a red flag for you.? What kind of a draconian world do we live in where we don’t have options that involve medical interventions. Think about it for a minute.

        Nobody said anything about changing vaccine production. Now you’re inventing stuff. All he was saying is to put the information out there to give them a choice. He never said to stop manufacturing the MMR. All he said was more research is needed on this vaccine. But in the end it was Merck who changed vaccine production. THEY stopped giving parents the option, not Wakefield. If you don’t think that’s a problem I don’t know what to tell you. What difference would it make, the kids will still be getting their shots albeit spaced apart. What’s wrong with that? wouldn’t you want to err on the side of caution?

        Do you think all the MMRs are the same. No they’re not. Different manufactures different product. They also have different names. one was used in Canada in the late 80s that caused encephalitis and had to be pulled. it was repackaged then sent to the UK where it caused encephalitis. It was pulled sent to Brazil where it caused, you guessed it, encephalitis.

        In 1971 they didn’t have a barrage of vaccines. In 1971 children were not getting inoculated at 2 months. Remember the beer analogy? In 1971 they weren’t handing out antibiotics like candy. Nice try but you failed, again.


      • “Why did Merck STOP the AVAILABILITY of single shots to parents?”

        Lack of demand. One of the most common reasons for not making a products. Why should create three vials of powdered vaccine to be mixed into three separate syringes when one is sufficient? Why should a parent drag a kid to the clinic three times when one is sufficient? Why should a kid get three jabs when one is sufficient?

        If you are going to ask for an increase in time and cost, you better have a really good reason. Wakefield failed to provide any real evidence. Plus research by Dr. Brent Taylor, and others (including the longer experience of MMR in the USA) showed there was no reason to triple time and cost.

        Plus, there really was no approved single mumps vaccine in the UK. Wakefield’s suggestion caused a wee bit of a problem, by the way it was the same mumps component used in Canada:

        In 1988 the UK introduced three MMR vaccines, two of them contained the Urabe mumps component. They removed those two in 1992. It says so in the above link.

        Merck manufactured the American MMR, and it has only used the Jeryl Lynn mumps component. So your comment in Canada has nothing to do with any American MMR vaccine. FYI: Canada is not part of the United States of America.

        “In 1971 they didn’t have a barrage of vaccines. In 1971 children were not getting inoculated at 2 months.”

        They were getting vaccines for pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus and polio. Routine smallpox vaccination ended in 1971.

        The MMR vaccine is not given until after the first birthday in the USA, UK and Canada. In the USA there was a Measles Elimination Program that was started in 1978, the MMR vaccine was the preferred vaccine. This was ten full years before the UK introduced any MMR vaccine.

        So in a country much bigger than the UK using the MMR much longer, where is the documentation dated before 1990 showing an increase in autism due to the use of the MMR vaccine?

        By the way, the following are numbers of measles cases/deaths in the USA pulled from an appendix of the CDC Pink Book, take note how much measles dropped after the Measles Elimination Program started. Use the googles to find that CDC Pink Book appendix (there is a URL limit on this blog). MMR was being used:
        Disease: Measles in the USA
        (^^ first vaccine licensed)
        (^^^ MMR licensed)
        (^^^ Measles Elimination Program started)

        You really need to read more of the history. Making up stuff out of thin air when there is sufficient data to the contrary is not good.

        This is exactly why I am asking you for PubMed studies by reputable qualified researchers that any vaccine on present American pediatric schedule causes more harm than the diseases.


    • Andy Wakefield stood up, at the press conference for the infamous Lancet study, and announced the triple jab causes autism. And he has continued to be more and more antivax with each coming year.

      He wanted to market his own single jab measles vaccine.

      These are well-documented facts in the tale of Andy Wakefield.

      How were you injured by a tetanus booster?

      Polly is an irrational, ableist nut. Her son is not vaccine injured and it is a real shame he has had to grow up being called damaged and treated as less than a human.

      Provaxers are very compassionate. Many of us have children on the autism spectrum or we are on the autism spectrum ourselves and we are sick to death of the nasty, hate-filled, ableist, racist vitriol from antivaxers. We know we won’t change your mind but we can affect change in fence sitters and we can, and will, advocate for legislative changes to vaccine laws.

      And we can and will advocate for support programs for autistics which value their dignity and don’t expose them to ableism, hate, and dangerous protocols.


  13. So govt official Senator Bill Posey who has 10,000+ pages of sealed documents from William Thompson is full of shit? He’s wasting his time perhaps putting his credibility in jeopardy by claiming whistleblower status for William Thompson because it’s all BS? Really? How does that work?

    And please do point me in the direction of the reams of information that exonerates the CDC. I’ll be waiting.


      • Listen carefully because you’re not paying attention. VAXXED and Wakefield NEVER SAID MMR CAUSES AUTISM. There you go again trying to change the narrative. Nowhere in the film does it imply that. What they’re saying is that there may be an association between giving the vaccine (in AA boys) too early and symptoms of autism.

        Were you aware that the MMR study of Atlanta children the CDC undertook was based on Wakefileds study? Wakefield presented his findings in late 1999 early 2000 to US congress with Senator Dan Burton presiding with the cdc’s colleen Boyle and other scientists in attendance. During that hearing nowhere does Wakefiled imply that the MMR CAUSES autism. You really need to get that one through your head.

        The point is there is uncertainty .

        Thompsons comment in your link:

        “I want to be absolutely clear that I believe vaccines have saved and continue to save countless lives. I would never suggest that any parent avoid vaccinating children of any race. Vaccines prevent serious diseases, and the risks associated with their administration are vastly outweighed by their individual and societal benefits.”

        The above is moot as Wakefiled is also not against vaccinating. Besides with a nondisclosure agreement Thompson may have been pressured to write this. In VAXXED Dr Sears makes a similar statement. Sears is clearly not anti vaccine. It’s the callous disregard for proper safety studies and the mishandling of important information not being fed to the public.

        You’re focusing on one thing and it’s more complex than the simple cut and dry conclusion you are postulating.

        Another Pediatrician in the truth about vaccines wrote a book “The Vsccine Friendly Plan which focuses on spacing out vaccines so clearly many of these people you consider anti vaccine lumping into this monolithic category are anything but.


      • “The opinion on choice of single vaccines pending scientific resolution of any possible association, expressed by AJW at the press briefing, was based not on the findings in these children alone, but on a detailed investigation of the history of MMR vaccine and its safety. AJW’s opinion, then and now, has been restated in Jefferson and colleagues’ subsequent 2003 Cochrane Review2—ie, that “the design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine safety studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate”, and furthermore, that Jefferson and colleagues “found limited evidence of safety of MMR compared to its single-component vaccines from low risk of bias studies”. Nonetheless we regret the furore and polarisation of opinion that ensued from that press briefing for which AJW bears some responsibility.”


      • Paul Thomas is the one with the “friendly’ plan and he is very much very antivax. He doesn’t even carry some of the recommended vaccines in his clinic! And he has all sorts of terribly unscientific ideas about vaccines, like babies cannot contract Hep B.


      • And that so called Thompson quote is verifiable how? Because some Phd wrote it in a blog? Where’s the proof Thompson even said that? Brian hooker has actual phone recorded conversations. That’s hard evidence. But as I said that quote proves nothing.


      • The phone conversations were never verified so they are not proof of anything. The statements in Dr Carey’s blog are from the statement Posey was given by Thompson, which is linked in the blog.


      • What pull did Wakefield have in the usa?

        Presenting his finding to congress as i stated. That’s what got the ball rolling.


    • Those are not sealed documents. Thompson gave them to Posey and Posey’s office gave them to physicist, autism dad, and autism advocate Matt Carey. Carey made them available for free download a long time ago.

      And the dataset came from here. It never left here. It was never destroyed.

      All federal employees have legal whistleblower protections. But, you have to blow a whistle, which Thompson did not. He had a private conversation with Brian Hooker. Hooker released the tapes, made illegally, to the media and put them in Vaxxed. Thompson did nothing.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. “Lack of demand”


    You’re not paying attention. Wakefield was the reason they got rid of single shots. THAT IS FACT. Merck can say what they want to fool the public but it was Wakefield who spurred them on to eliminate single shots. Another fail.

    Remember single shots are made before combining so that excuse doesn’t hold water.

    The rest of your post I’ll reply to later.

    Btw I’m very familiar with the history. Just not your CDC approved history. Measles mortality was practically down to 0 before the intro of the vaccine and it would have continued to decline.


    • “Wakefield was the reason they got rid of single shots.”

      Citation needed. What pull did he have in the USA? And what part of the UK not having an approved mumps vaccine before 1988 did you not understand? I suggest you actually read that link. Plus take a basic freshman year economics class.

      Oh, this is just silly: “Measles mortality was practically down to 0 before the intro of the vaccine and it would have continued to decline.”

      Mortality!!! Is that your only measure of vaccine success? Wouldn’t it be kids not getting sick!? Seriously, do tell us why that would be a valid measure. Proved a PubMed indexed study showing how close to zero, and how the mortality never went up again after that point.

      So you care about CDC data, how about the US Census:
      Year…. Rate per 100000 of measles
      1912 . . . 310.0
      1920 . . . 480.5
      1925 . . . 194.3
      1930 . . . 340.8
      1935 . . . 584.6
      1940 . . . 220.7
      1945 . . . 110.2
      1950 . . . 210.1
      1955 . . . 337.9
      1960 . . . 245.4
      1965 . . . 135.1
      1970 . . . . 23.2
      1975 . . . . 11.3
      1980 . . . . . 5.9
      1985 . . . . . 1.2
      1990 . . . . .11.2
      1991 . . . . . .3.8
      1992 . . . . . .0.9
      1993 . . . . . .0.1
      1994 . . . . . .0.4
      1995 . . . . . .0.1
      1996 . . . . . .0.2
      1997 . . . . . . 0.1

      That is the incidence of measles in the United States of American during the 20th century. Do tell us why it dropped 90% between 1960 and 1970. Please do not mention deaths, since this is only incidence data… don’t change the subject! Do not mention any other disease since this is measles…. don’t change the subject. Do not mention another country, England and Wales are not American states… don’t change the subject. Also don’t mention any other decade unless it also had a 90% drop and did not come up again.

      What happened in the 1980s? Measles went down with the Measles Elimination Program using the MMR vaccine. Woot!

      Oh, and there is but of stupidity which came about when folks did not vaccinate their kids because they weren’t seeing measles anymore:

      J Infect Dis. 2004 May 1;189 Suppl 1:S69-77.
      Acute measles mortality in the United States, 1987-2002.

      J Infect Dis. 2004 May 1;189 Suppl 1:S210-5.
      Measles hospitalizations, United States, 1985-2002.

      West J Med. 1993 Oct;159(4):455-64.
      Measles epidemic from failure to immunize.

      West J Med. 1996 Jul-Aug;165(1-2):20-5.
      Pediatric hospital admissions for measles. Lessons from the 1990 epidemic.


    • How was Wakefield the reason they got rid of single shots when the triple jab was already out, being used, and rising in popularity when he did his ill-fated study?

      Measles mortality in USA was about 500 deaths a year, at the time the measles vaccine came out. But, measles incidence rate was highest in 1950s than any time in 20th century. Kids were dying less but being injured and suffering more. Measles has a 30% complications rate, which you all would call an injury if it were related to a vaccines. So, I like to point out that vaccine injury rate in USA is 0.000011% whereas measles injury rate is 30%.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m not going to further this conversation until you release my comments from the censorsphere. I want open honest dialogue to reach the truth not some obscured idea of truth. Have a nice day.

        Btw not to repeat myself but I know people very close to me in the industry and they vehemently disagree that vaccines are safe. What are YOUR credentials. To add I WAS VACCINE INJURED and took 10 years to recover. My son is NOT vaccinated and doesn’t have ANY of the upper respiratory issues and allergies auto immune disorders MOST of his friends have. In fact one of his friends moms who is SUPER PRO VACCINE , ( her son is always the sickest on antibiotics they think anti vaxxers are evil) after being extremely active in life, is now wheelchair-bound because her spine is being eaten away, an auto immune disorder that is linked to vaccines.

        Just because it doesn’t happen to you ( although any collateral damage you may not connect because you refuse or you are completely disingenuous and do not vaccinate yourself or your children) it doesn’t mean it’s not a thing that doesn’t happens to others. Otherwise there’s A lot of crazy people out there on social media creating much ado about nothing. Why would they do that? Why would nurses doctors scientists all come forward and speak about these issues if they were a fantasy?


      • My fully vaccinated children and fully vaccinated me have no upper respiratory issue nor severe allergies. You have bad genes. Face facts.

        Your friend has MS, is that what I am reading between the lines? That is not a vaccine injury.

        You have to face reality.


      • Why is there a VICP and why are pharmaceutical companies immune from prosecution why do they have blanket immunity and why hasthe vaccine injury compensation program paid out more than 3 1/2 billion dollars since Reagan signed that act. Much ado about nothing?


      • “I’m not going to further this conversation until you release my comments from the censorsphere.”

        Promises, promises.

        “Why is there a VICP …”

        Ask Barbara Loe Fisher, she was part its creation. Also, you can sue pharmaceutical companies, you just have to go through Vaccine Court first.

        “.. why hasthe vaccine injury compensation program paid out more than 3 1/2 billion dollars since Reagan signed that act.”

        Math time! Here are the latest compensation data:

        Click to access monthly-website-stats-3-30-18.pdf

        Now for a little math story problem. Look at the first table, go to the bottom row and find the number of total number of vaccines given over the specified time period (3,153,876,236 total vaccines). Then run your finger across the row until you get to the total number of compensated claims (3661 total compensated claims. Now divide the first number by the second number.

        What is that number?

        What does it mean?

        Remember to include all relevant units.

        Still waiting for the answers to my questions. Why do you keep changing the subject when I ask you questions?


      • I know. I only respond so that lurkers can get a taste of certain “arguments.” Including the very common “Just Asking Question”, and when met with data and questions to support their assertions they avoid answering with actual substance… but goes off in another direction.

        I thought “what about the MMR vaccine used by Canada” bit, especially since I made it clear that I was only discussing the American MMR vaccine.


  15. So now my comments are awaiting moderation? Bravo. The censoring begins. Not a good look. Don’t worry I’ve saved all that’s is written.


    • Probably have too many links. Not like it matters, so far as we can tell you presented nothing but Wakefield lying to congress critters as just another way to avoid answering my questions. Here is something about that:

      Also at those hearings were Dr. Brent Taylor who told them that Wakers study was worthless. For some reason you guys fail to mention that other congress critters called the researcher who had worked with Wakefield at the Royal Free Hospital, who actually continued the work after Wakefield left. IOne of Taylor’s comments is “Mr. Wakefield and Professor O’Leary’s testimony notwithstanding, the belief that MMR is the cause of autism is a false hope.” The whole thing is described in within the first fifty pages of Offit’s Autism’s False Prophets.

      Here are the studies that Dr. Taylor did at the Royal Free:

      Lancet 1999;353 (9169):2026-9
      Autism and Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine: No Epidemiological Evidence for a Causal Association.

      BMJ 2002; 324(7334):393-6
      Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination and Bowel Problems or Developmental Regression in Children with Autism: Population Study.

      Mol Psychiatry. 2002;7 Suppl 2:S7-8.
      Autism and MMR vaccination in North London; no causal relationship.

      In short: Congressional hearings are not scientific evidence. And they certainly did not lead to Merck making a financial decision to stop manufacturing products that would not be profitable and were not scientifically necessary.

      Now where are those PubMed indexed studies by reputable qualified researchers that any vaccine on the present American pediatric schedule causes more harm than the diseases?

      Also, where is the documentation dated before 1990 that shows autism rising in the USA coincident to the use of the MMR vaccine (the one with the Jeryl Lynn mumps strain) during the 1970s and 1980s?


      • Im on my phone. I’ll fully respond when I’m in front of a computer. Your Dan burton link is a weak link. That he is scrutinized by Paul Offit and others is not surprising. Single sentence quotes does not make them valid. Fact of the matter is most vaccines contain TRACE AMOUNTS from the manufacturing process unless it’s in a thimerosal free facility. Please point me to one. So Dan Burton is technically correct. If you think it’s normal to administer 9 shots in one day to an infant, I really don’t know what to say.



        Regarding your studies. They cannot be trusted so you’re going to have to do better.

        My gut instinct personal experience contacts in the industry and honest published research lead to me to believe honest researchers have EVERYTHING to lose including their career when challenging conventional beliefs. I have very little faith in research with competing interests.

        I’ve seen Paul Offit admit vitamin a is essential in treating measles and that “MOST PEOPLE DONT KNOW”. What a very telling statement from a doctor.

        Jump to the 29 minute mark for the Freudian slip. Paul Offit must think Canadians live in igloos and that nobody is paying attention.

        Why don’t MOST PEOPLE KNOW? Are not doctors supposed to provide all the necessary information to patients? Instead we scare the public into believing we need these shots, yet there is overwhelming evidence that acquiring measles naturally protects the cardiovascular system later on in life and that the measles vaccine has the opposite effect. In fact there have been studies that show elevated LDL levels of cholesterol in vaccinated children immediately after receiving the measles vaccine and that acquiring measles naturally produces a protective effect.

        The comment BAD GENES shows just how callous and insensitive one can be. Paradoxically it is the weak who would benefit from vaccines where healthy people have a built in immune system to deal with just about anything., yet the person who needs protection the most is not included in safety studies.


      • Andrew: “I just posted another comment that is awaiting moderation …”

        My comments also get moderated when I put in more than one URL link. Keep to one.


    • Yes, several of your comments that had links were put into moderation by WordPress. I approved the one and trashed the other as it was a copy of what was in the link for the first. Maybe you are posting too quickly? It’s not because of me.


  16. Bad genes? No not bad genes. Mother victim of sv40 poisoning or are you going to deny here is no such thing. So you admit there is a susceptible group. That susceptible group does not included in the so called safety studies. Vaccine schedules differ vastly from one child to the next. Vaccines do not stimulate innate immunity. Vaccines require boosters hence their low efficacy. They are connected to a host of allergic and autoimmune issues. The flu shot is known for producing other types of upper respiratory infections. Gardasil was fast tracked and has the most adverse events.


    • You are hysterical! None of those graphs show measles mortality near zero before vaccination in any country. Obviously you still fuzzy about the national borders of the United States of America. Remember these are not American states: England, Wales and Canada.

      ” Vaccines require boosters hence their low efficacy.”

      This Nirvana Fallacy is just another part of the “changing the subject Gish Gallop” to avoid answering my questions.

      Try again:

      Now where are those PubMed indexed studies by reputable qualified researchers that any vaccine on the present American pediatric schedule causes more harm than the diseases?

      And this:

      Also, where is the documentation dated before 1990 that shows autism rising in the USA coincident to the use of the MMR vaccine (the one with the Jeryl Lynn mumps strain) during the 1970s and 1980s?

      You brought up the VICP compensation total over the past thirty years (hint – your phone has a calculator app):

      Now for a little math story problem.

      Go back to the NVICP statistic link I gave you. Look at the first table, go to the bottom row and find the number of total number of vaccines given over the specified time period (3,153,876,236 total vaccines). Then run your finger across the row until you get to the total number of compensated claims (3661 total compensated claims. Now divide the first number by the second number.

      What is that number?

      What does it mean?

      Remember to include all relevant units.

      You made a claim about graphs:

      So you don’t care about CDC data, how about the US Census:
      Year…. Rate per 100000 of measles
      1912 . . . 310.0
      1920 . . . 480.5
      1925 . . . 194.3
      1930 . . . 340.8
      1935 . . . 584.6
      1940 . . . 220.7
      1945 . . . 110.2
      1950 . . . 210.1
      1955 . . . 337.9
      1960 . . . 245.4
      1965 . . . 135.1
      1970 . . . . 23.2
      1975 . . . . 11.3
      1980 . . . . . 5.9
      1985 . . . . . 1.2
      1990 . . . . .11.2
      1991 . . . . . .3.8
      1992 . . . . . .0.9
      1993 . . . . . .0.1
      1994 . . . . . .0.4
      1995 . . . . . .0.1
      1996 . . . . . .0.2
      1997 . . . . . . 0.1

      That is the incidence of measles in the United States of American during the 20th century. Do tell us why it dropped 90% between 1960 and 1970, and never went up to previous levels again.

      Please do not mention deaths, since this is only incidence data… don’t change the subject!

      Do not mention any other disease since this is measles…. don’t change the subject!

      Do not mention another country, England and Wales are not American states… don’t change the subject!

      Also don’t mention any other decade unless it also had a 90% drop and did not come up again.

      By the way a drop of mortality is only a measure of hospital improvements, it has nothing to to do with infection rates. Nor with nonfatal harm from infections like seizures, blindness, deafness, etc.


    • SV40 poisoned no one. It was killed as it went thru the digestive tract. It did no harm to any human. That website only lists mortality graphs. You need to also look at morbidity graphs. Suffering and injury also matter.


  17. Logical fallacies abound. Ad hominem attacks are your best defence.

    Reputable scientists stripped of their credentials due to conflicting views doth not make one lose their knowledge. Geier was demonized and stripped for lupron, (that’s another story that has not been told objectively) NOTHING to do with his research on thimerosal. You are grasping at straws and using absurd logic to try and make a point I don’t have.

    I posted something that is waiting moderation approval. Basically it’s peer reviewed index studies on how unreliable epidemiological studies are and how the publisher of the Lancet admits most research is flawed and unreliable. So you posting pub med indexed studies means absolutely nothing.

    Poul Thorson is on the FBI’s most wanted list yet his studies still stand. Or at least the studies that he was involved in still stand. So by your logic of discredited scientists his should also be within that category.

    In any case whichever way you slice it you cannot change history you cannot magically put vaccines in anytime machine and wipe out diseases during anyone when they didn’t exist. You cannot get around this conundrum that vaccines had little to do with disease decline. No matter how u slice and dice the numbers.

    I’m on the phone and it’s very difficult to scroll and try to respond to every single post. Once I get in front of a computer I’ll respond to all of your claims.

    The least you can do is respond to mine as well instead of continuously cherry picking.


  18. So you are not a medical professional. I can use a calculator. I also possess critical thinking skills and am in a more favourable position since I do not follow the group think, something you cannot claim in this instance.

    I find it paradoxical you eliminate Brian hooker, an engineer quite capable of using a calculator, can probably read a table or two and one would think with a Phd has some critical thinking skills, as a reliable source.

    As I mentioned epidemiological studies can be manipulated. Statistics can be manipulated and certainly s time machine is not viable or realistic option so once you can wrap your head around the fact that vaccines had little to do with disease decline in the first world in the first half of the 20th century , perhaps we can begin to have accurate and meaningful conversation


    • “I can use a calculator.”

      Prove it. Do my little math story problem. Give me the number of that ratio with the relevant units, and then explain what it means.

      I want to see you actually provide something valid with the given data mostly because I am tired of your conspiracy theories. Especially the ones about statistics and epidemiological studies being manipulated. It is just an excuse you pulled out of thin air to dismiss any study with results you don’t like. Just like how SafeMinds dismissed a study that they paid for:
      Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Oct 6;112(40):12498-503. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1500968112.
      Administration of thimerosal-containing vaccines to infant rhesus macaques does not result in autism-like behavior or neuropathology.

      The reasons to dismiss Hooker and Geier are pretty much outlined in this legal ruling:

      Liked by 1 person

      • So the editor of the Lancet is a conspiracy theorist? Again you are sidestepping the fact that vaccines had nothing to do with disease decline in the first half of the 20th century. I keep mentioning that but you keep deflecting.

        Don’t you find it odd that every single person that has spoken out against vaccines is demonized every single one has been demonized scrutinized know find anything to put them under the bus. Prior to their stance on vaccines nobody bothered them. You don’t find that odd or dare I say conspiratorial?

        Surely that must raise a red flag to you. Name a name name any name that’s spoken out against vaccines and I’m sure you’ll find something to link me to showing that this person or these people are discredited.

        Like I said logical fallacies abound. There is plenty of evidence to show vaccines are problematic. Are you going to deny that? are you going to deny that nobody is injured by vaccines?

        Again what are your professional credentials?


      • The problem is that people who believe vaccines cause everything and the kitchen sink are also often seriously racist and believe the earth is flat. And their gurus are like cult leaders, mostly with products to sell or livings to make off their beliefs. They cannot make money the rational way, so they shill their irrational nonsense.


      • So this is a quote from the Lancet: “As I mentioned epidemiological studies can be manipulated. Statistics can be manipulated and certainly s time machine is not viable…” or realistic option so once you can wrap your head around the fact that vaccines had little to do with disease decline in the first world in the first half of the 20th century…”

        Perhaps you should have put in the reference.

        “… or realistic option so once you can wrap your head around the fact that vaccines had little to do with disease decline in the first world in the first half of the 20th century…”

        Why should I “wrap my head” around something that is not supported by the data? Seriously, go look at the US Census data from the 20th century and tell me what part of the the first of that century measles was in decline.

        Seriously my last math classes were graduate level engineering mathematics, and I am pretty sure that the 1960s are in the second half of the century.


      • Of course they eliminated him. It’s called precedence. They buried the Hanna poling case because if there’s an admission, the amount of injury settlements would be through the roof. Just because a court says it is so doesn’t make it right. Plenty of people on death row that shouldn’t be there. Plenty of disproportionate jail sentences for black folks based on racist white ideologies. Like I said and I hate repeating myself I have many contacts in the industry I was also vaccine injured. Bad genes you know what you can do with my bad genes because that comment was uncalled for.


      • “Of course they eliminated him. It’s called precedence.”

        Please explain. Why was their decision wrong? Be sure to include all of the relevant details with supporting scientific documentation.

        And if an argument failed before, why should it work later? Explain how it is supposed to change when they did not produce anything new. Or relevant.

        Especially since his child showed symptoms long before the dreaded vaccine.


  19. Btw Paul Offit Colleen Boyle Frank Destefano and others were all invited to participate in the documentary vaxxed. They all refused. I wonder why. It would have been a perfect opportunity for them to put the VAXXED the bus under the PHARMA bus.


    • Why should they walk into a room where folks like you would only shout at them? You don’t seem interested in learning but spouting all the stuff you read on biased websites where veracity is ignored if it goes against their agenda.

      So when are you going to use that calculator and give us the ratio of that data that you actually referenced with this common anti-vax trope: “… why hasthe vaccine injury compensation program paid out more than 3 1/2 billion dollars …” If you were using the NVICP statistics to JAQ off, then you should accept the rest of their data tables.

      Prove you are not just spouting the common mantras without thinking. Get that ratio with the relevant units and explain what they mean.


  20. Google “1000 peer reviewed vaccines”

    The first hit is what you’re looking for

    You asked for peer reviewed studies. There’s 1000 to sift through. They all can’t be bogus now can they?


    • Um, no. When you make a claim, then you are expected to provide the verifiable documentation for that claim. Those websites are less than reliable.

      That is the classic tactic of “I can’t give you the citations because there aren’t any so I will tell you to look for yourself.” We don’t use Google to find scientific citations, especially if they are to nonsensical Gish Gallops.

      I asked you several questions and I gave you actual citations and even non-PubMed indexed data (US Census data in not in the index). Yet instead of even attempting to answer you fly off to other random tangents. I know about math-phobia, but I have never seen anyone so scared to get a simple ratio of two numbers from data table, while actually claiming to know how to use a calculator.

      That is not even “moving the goal posts.” That is just running around the field yelling about random fouls and conspiracies.


      • Useless ramblings. You obviously DO NOT think for yourself as you are parrotting the usual pro
        Vax tropes.

        If you actually did think for yourself you would investigate the link (I would provide it but it linked replies seem to end up in moderation jail) and discover it’s 1000 PUB MED INDEXED PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC PAPERS all nicely put together in a handy PDF file. It’s not site specific and this pdf can be found on numerous sites.

        By your logic I shouldn’t bother to read your PUB MED INDEXED PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC PAPERS simply because they are on a pro vax site which I would rightly find to be unreliable. But that wouldn’t be the case with neutral unbiased scientific studies. N’est pas?

        So Mr “I think For Myself” there’s 1000 PEER REVIEWED STUDIES waiting for you and your calculator.

        As I said, now read slowly, I W O U L D L I N K T H E S T U D I E S M Y S E L F B U T………….oh never mind..


      • “1000 PUB MED INDEXED PEER REVIEWED SCIENTIFIC PAPERS all nicely put together in a handy PDF file.”

        We are very familiar with this tactic. It is a type of Gish Gallop, especially since the hits were all from notorious websites that lack much in veracity.

        “So Mr “I think For Myself””

        I am not a “mister.” Plus you have failed to show me you know how to use a calculator.


      • Hey this came up on the Google search:

        Yeah, Jeff’s more than 1000 page bit is a very silly Gish Gallop. It is kind of idiotic to start in 1915. He must not realize that century technology is not actually relevant. The cute sayings by random folks is pretty obvious there is an agenda, hence we should expect lots of cherry picking.

        Oooh… look a commentary that includes a lawyer!

        Look, a paper from Goldman’s “Medical Vertias”! Now it is pure lying to claim these papers are peer reviewed. Especially since that is not the only one.

        Ah, yes… another non-peer reviewed paper from Medical Hypotheses. Essentially from the fine folks from SafeMinds. And there are many more.

        Oh, yeah! Essays by Sharyl Attkinsson! The “investigative” reporter who thought her laptop was being hacked when it had a stuck “backspace” key. Definitely not peer reviewed.

        Jeff Prager would not know a peer reviewed paper if his life depended on it. He is a conspiracy theorist. Perhaps his articles on the Sandy Hook shootings should be sent to the parents who are now suing Alex Jones.

        At least we now know why you seemed to think there is a conspiracy for anything you don’t like.


    • That link has been sent to me at least 1000 times. Pick one or two studies from it, post them here, assure me you read the full study (not just the abstract), explain why you think the study is valid, and I will comment back. 1-2 at a time, no more.


  21. Do you honestly expect me to take you seriously when your rolling on the floor laughing like schoolchildren because of some innocuous censorship. Grow up. And perhaps we can have a conversation like adults.

    Again you are selectively responding. You have failed to address why disease rates were already on a steep decline in the first world prior to the introduction of the mass vaccination program. Diseases such as scarlet fever disappeared without the use of a vaccine. Let’s start there shall we and discuss why we needed vaccines in the first place when modernizing our world through proper hygiene measurements, better quality and more variety of foods etc. made all the difference in the world in reducing disease mortality.

    You deflect from the VICP claiming it was BLF who initiated it as if to say it’s useless and meaningless. It’s like saying the NAACP is unnecessary because racism doesn’t exist. It’s absurd.

    Vaccine injuries are real and more common than people think. The collateral damage is also real and the statistics prove it without a doubt, unless you can explain the sudden rise over the last 50 years (coincidentally corresponding to the rise of the mass vaccination program and picking up steam after the VICP was signed into law in 1986) in cancers, autoimmune disorders, allergies, in the most advanced society in the world. Doesn’t sound very advanced to me when the population is getting sicker year by year.

    And pulling stats from third world countries to compare to first world is disingenuous. Infant mortality rates for first world countries. Let’s stick with the first world shall we. The United States has an abysmal infant mortality rate and is ranked at the bottom.

    From CNN: (won’t post link for obvious reasons)

    Among 20 wealthy nations, US child mortality ranks worst, study finds

    Among 20 wealthy nations, US child mortality ranks worst, study finds
    By Jacqueline Howard, CNN

    Updated at 4:32 PM ET, Mon January 8, 2018

    Story highlights
    The US is “most dangerous” for kids compared with 19 other wealthy countries, study finds
    Infant deaths, car crashes and firearm assaults play a role in America’s child mortality rate
    (CNN) — The United States has the worst overall child mortality rate compared with those of 19 other wealthy nations in the Organization for economic cooperation and development.
    That’s according to a study published in the journal Health Affairs on Monday.
    The study examined child mortality rates between 1961 and 2010 in the US and comparable nations in the OECD, a group of 35 countries, founded to improve economic development and social well-being around the world. It found that mortality rates were not evenly distributed.
    “This study should alarm everyone. The US is the most dangerous of wealthy, democratic countries in the world for children,” said Dr. Ashish Thakrar, lead author of the study and an internal medicine resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System in Baltimore.
    Related Article: The next great medical innovations that could save children
    “We were surprised by how far the US has fallen behind other wealthy countries,” he said. “Across all ages and in both sexes, children have been dying more often in the US than in similar countries since the 1980s.”
    Read more

    So, you’ve disingenuously posted misleading information. From the get go your reputation is sullied. I’ve made several points concerning the documentary review on how you selectively left out important information that would skew your review. You are far from objective. You hurl ad hominem attacks towards reputable scientist and you’ve made it abundantly clear that not one of those doctors or scientists or any of their research papers and the research papers of virtually any other research pointing the finger at the problematic use of vaccines, is valid thus eliminating any possibility for honest and open dialogue.

    Basically you are here to show us how wrong we are. You say post a study and with our calculator we’ll define its flaws inaccuracies and inconsistencies. That’s essentially your game. There is no conceding. Even 1000 peer reviewed papers are “too old” to be relevant when in fact that is the furthest from reality. The burbacher study is in there and many relevant and current studies. A timeline has been established and yet you once again cherry pick.

    Yet merthiolate was only ever tested once on humans back in the 30’s and all the subjects died and that is the only safety study ever done yet it’s still in use in vaccines. Frank Egan from the fda has already admitted this before congress and as well admitted that they have never done any studies on children using the criteria of the massive vaccine schedule.

    So your thoughtless and knee jerk response on the antiquated contents of the pdf is useless and moot.

    Now answer the ?

    Why are vaccines used when they had virtually nothing to do with disease decline, and since we have so much more knowledge on health and wellness through diet and exercise, why are we not implementing more resources to alter the way we use conventional medicines. Why are they not last resort medicines? Why isn’t vitamin c a and d promoted more heavily. In fact why has the fda banned intravenous vitamin c therapy?

    Remember almost all those opposed to vaccines were once staunchly pro vaccine, including myself.

    So, either you’re a pharma shill or completely clueless, bias and subjective.

    So, the burbacher study is full of it? Oddly enough it’s used by some to exonerate thimerosal. They’re obviously not reading it carefully. Perhaps that’s one of your weaknesses as well. Not being able to actually comprehend what you’re assessing.


  22. LIARS!!

    Our infant mortality rate is a national embarrassment

    The United States has a higher infant mortality rate than any of the other 27 wealthy countries, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control. A baby born in the U.S. is nearly three times as likely to die during her first year of life as one born in Finland or Japan. That same American baby is about twice as likely to die in her first year as a Spanish or Korean one.

    Despite healthcare spending levels that are significantly higher than any other country in the world, a baby born in the U.S. is less likely to see his first birthday than one born in Hungary, Poland or Slovakia. Or in Belarus. Or in Cuba, for that matter.

    The U.S. rate of 6.1 infant deaths per 1,000 live births masks considerable state-level variation. If Alabama were a country, its rate of 8.7 infant deaths per 1,000 would place it slightly behind Lebanon in the world rankings. Mississippi, with its 9.6 deaths, would be somewhere between Botswana and Bahrain.

    We’re the wealthiest nation in the world. How did we end up like this?

    New research, in a draft paperfrom Alice Chen of the University of South California, Emily Oster of the University of Chicago, and Heidi Williams of MIT, offers up some clues. They note that the infant mortality gap between the U.S. and other wealthy nations has been persistent — and is poorly understood.

    One factor, according to the paper: “Extremely preterm births recorded in some places may be considered a miscarriage or still birth in other countries. Since survival before 22 weeks or under 500 grams is very rare, categorizing these births as live births will inflate reported infant mortality rates (which are reported as a share of live births).”

    Oster and her colleagues found that this reporting difference accounts for up to 40 percent of the U.S. infant mortality disadvantage relative to Austria and Finland. This is somewhat heartening.

    But what about that other 60 percent?

    “Most striking,” they write, “the US has similar neonatal mortality but a substantial disadvantage in postneonatalmortality” compared to Austria and Finland. In other words, mortality rates among infants in their first days and weeks of life are similar across all three countries. But as infants get older, a mortality gap opens between the U.S. and the other countries, and widens considerably. You can see this clearly in the chart below.

    Digging deeper into these numbers, Oster and her colleagues found that the higher U.S. mortality rates are due “entirely, or almost entirely, to high mortality among less advantaged groups.” To put it bluntly, babies born to poor moms in the U.S. are significantly more likely to die in their first year than babies born to wealthier moms.

    In fact, infant mortality rates among wealthy Americans are similar to the mortality rates among wealthy Fins and Austrians. The difference is that in Finland and Austria, poor babies are nearly as likely to survive their first years as wealthy ones. In the U.S. – land of opportunity – that is starkly not the case: “there is tremendous inequality in the US, with lower education groups, unmarried and African-American women having much higher infant mortality rates,” the authors conclude.

    One way of understanding these numbers is by noting that most American babies, regardless of socio-economic status, are born in hospitals. And while in the hospital, American infants receive exceedingly good care – our neo-natal intensive care units are among the best in the world. This may explain why mortality rates in the first few weeks of life are similar in the U.S., Finland and Austria.

    But the differences arise after infants are sent home. Poor American families have considerably less access to quality healthcare as their wealthier counterparts.

    One measure of the Affordable Care Act’s success, then, will be whether it leads to improvements in the infant mortality rate. Oster and her colleagues note that Obamacare contains provisions to expand post-natal home nurse visits, which are fairly common in Europe.

    Research like this drives home the notion that economic debates in this country – about inequality, poverty, healthcare – aren’t just policy abstractions. There are real lives at stake.


    • Our IMR is higher than some other countries because we have more poverty and no universal healthcare. ACA is not going to help IMR. What will help IMR is when we have universal healthcare and more social welfare, both of which will take higher taxes.

      Liked by 1 person

      • This should be thrown in the face who ever brings up Hooker’s study where he found black boys had more autism when they were vaccinated for MMR after what was the recommended schedule.

        These were boys from poor families who could not afford to get vaccines, but got them to get their kids help from public school special ed. preschool as part of the Individual with Disabilities Education Act. Which was done after they were identified with an autism spectrum disorder.

        By the way, a big ol’ thank you to IDEA and ChildFind for evaluating my then non-verbal child in 1991. It got him into a program that let him find his voice. It was not easy, but he finally called me “mom” when he was five years old. It has taken lots of work, and there much more work being done even though he is an adult.

        It is heaps better than it was before 1974, where we would have been told to just warehouse him in an institution because he was too stupid to talk. Um, he actually is quite intelligent. You just have to be patient and listen carefully. Plus he as quite a bit of social anxiety due to his autism. It is truly a delight when he opens up and starts talking (which is current events, politics and history… he is quite bright). And yes he votes in every election.

        While I am at it: a big icy glare at the clueless woman who told me I was “lucky” that my kid got to go to a “free” preschool. Seriously?


  23. “But vaccines are supposed to make us healthier”

    Interesting since we have the highest immunization rates and the countries with the lowest immunization rates have a better infant mortality rate. Coincidence?

    THere were 153 fetal deaths during the h1n1 year. Why? Because mothers received two shots that year. Why was that left out of the vaccines revealed review?


  24. That’s your opinion. And as I post actual statistics you continue to deflect and pirate and use the same stale sound bites. That works well with your uneducated crowd because it reinforces their beliefs without having to actually do some real research.

    Again you have failed to list your qualifications all you have claimed is that you are good with a calculator.

    I on the other hand know people who are heads of clinical research for pharma I have doctors in my family. Curiously they REFUSE to vaccinate. One friend told his daughter “no f&$&ing way, it’s one of the worst” referring to the Gardasil vaccine after his daughter told him the school wanted to give it to his granddaughter.

    So clearly who am I to trust, some anonymous troll who has no objectivity and is calculating data from less than credible studies or people who are on the inside and are honest and open when it comes to the truth about vaccines. That’s a no brainer.

    Funny thing I already knew most of what I’ve been told by the experts that I know, from my own personal research, so it just confirmed and solidified everything I was researching. Also my own personal experience with a tetanus booster compelled me to document the various side effects over the YEARS and I was able to verify them and confirm with my own doctor (contrary to popular belief anti vaxxers have faith in doctors just not vaccines) it was the shot.

    What are your personal life experiences. Have you ever suffered through illnesses without ANY allopathic interventions. Have you ever pushed your body to the limits of its potential. Have you ever challenged your immune system to the limits of its potential. I have and I know with the immune system is capable of doing on a personal level. And I wouldn’t trade it for any pill or shot.

    After my detox and embracing a new lifestyle since 2009 I have not had so much as a sniffle. I got the flu twice around that time one year apart and since then nothing. Curiously all my flu vaxxed friends
    keep coming down with the flu and other nasty upper respiratory infections.

    My son who has never been vaccinated ironically rarely if ever get sick. The same goes for all his unvaccinated friends, all thriving.

    This is the story coming from thousands of parents who have unvaccinated and vaccinated children who to compare with.

    I have a friend who deliberately vaccinated one of his children and that child is consistently sick while the other child thrives.

    I have another friend with five unvaccinated children. Same story.

    Coincidence? Correlation doesn’t mean causation? Another sound bite to throw around at will? If corelation does not mean causation there should still be an investigation. But there will never be because there is too much at stake for these companies and for their bottom line.


  25. Why don’t you refute the stale arguments.

    Let’s start with vaccines didn’t save us and then infant mortality rates. You can also debunk the burbacher study. I’ll be waiting…..LIAR!!


  26. While you’re at it make an appointment with your GP to catch up on all your boosters and make sure you get them all at the same time. You can even get an extra MMR shot like that black boy did. Tell us how that works out for you.

    I would reason to assume you need to catch up on all your boosters. At least 7-8 shots, not as much as some babies receive that aren’t “caught up.”

    Do your civic duty or else you put us all at risk because without boosters you are not providing herd immunity.

    So, when was the last time you had any boosters? And are you caught up with the flu vaccine?


  27. So he asks to post studies. I post news articles that have supportive data but he turns the coin and without thought of what he actually uttered, proceeds to call the research stale. You just can’t make this stuff up.

    Like I said and it seems I was correct, no matter what I post you will find a way to discredit it even if you don’t say anything. That’s how it works with you guys. All you have to say is correlation doesn’t mean causation and there you have it. Can’t argue with that can we? If you say so…

    However, we still don’t know who YOU are. List some qualifications, some degrees, perhaps some studies you’ve written, a book, a wiki page, something to prove you are legitimate. Otherwise you’re just another pharma troll that keeps repeating tired sound bites and tries to turn things around by claiming same for others.

    Posting from skeptical raptor et al doth not make your claims any more correct. Those are paid shills that do nothing but attack and demonise. Surely not worthy of even a short perusal.


  28. VICP is a conspiracy? asking for credentials is negative. Pointing out that whatever I post will be ignored is a negative rant or fact. Pointing out anecdotally that unvaccinated children are healthier is a negative rant? Reagan signed a conspiratorial bill into law? The CDC is not a scientific body? They don’t publish research data on infant mortality rates?

    I’ll save my comments for the reader to indulge their imagination.

    Again deflecting from the most relevant point in this whole debate:

    In the developed world, vaccines had little to do with declining mortality rates in the first half of the 20th century.

    You keep sidestepping the issue.

    You haven’t responded to the science that shows The rise and shingles is a result of the chickenpox vaccine.

    You haven’t spoken about original antigenic sin and how vaccines are th2 dominant increasing the risk for allergies and other issues.

    Since you’ve done all the research you would know that there are studies to confirm this. Why should I post them?

    Keep spreading misinformation. People who think for themselves can see through the deception.

    Which vaccine boosters, when and how many in a single visit?


    • “VICP is a conspiracy?”

      Where did anyone make that claim? You might want to check your reading comprehension. It is obvious the conspiracy filter is affect your literacy.

      You brought up the total compensation paid over the almost thirty year history of the VICP. Then you were asked to do a little word math story problem about its statistics. You were told to look at a table, get the numbers (which were actually provided), calculate a ratio and then report that number with the relevant units plus explain what they meant.

      But you failed to do that.

      Instead you keep making random claims without actual evidence.

      “You haven’t responded to the science that shows The rise and shingles is a result of the chickenpox vaccine.”

      This is the first time you mentioned this. What rise? By the way what is the name of the generation most likely to be old enough to get shingles? Oh, wait it is the “Baby Boomer.” Do you know what the word “boomers” means, and why they were given that name? It is pretty much the reason that I, who was born in one of the peak years, had classes with up to forty kids. Plus why I graduated in a class of 700 seniors from a high school built for a total of 700 students (there were over 2000 students in that school… pass time was crazy!).


      • Grammar check time: “It is obvious the conspiracy filter is affect your literacy.”

        Should be: “It is obvious the conspiracy filter has affected your literacy.


  29. Lol the CDC released a study on IMR. You proceeded to assume or fool people by implying cnn is not pubmed. Since I won’t post actual links you would have to copy paste part of the article in Google to retrieve the original cnn piece complete with links to the CDC. Is not the CDC a scientific body that releases numerous peer reviewed papers?

    Are you saying the paper on infant mortality rates is inaccurate?

    There’s the real world and then there’s the world of statistics. The real world is a conglomeration of anything and everything that is possible in life, the good along with the bad. Statistics are as honest at the statisticians. Numbers can be manipulated and so your request to verify the veracity of your claim can only be achieved if the statisitcs are accurate and true. A peer reviewed pub med indexed study by reputable researchers doesn’t make it necessarily so. This has been shown time and time again.

    Now if I can present independent studies that show the contrary with no conflicts of interests, what does common sense and instinct tell one. What it tells me is that I need to dig deeper and find more research that can verify my claims.

    Still no response to the fact that vaccines had nothing to do with mortality decline in the first half of the 20th century.

    Btw shingles is affecting young children not just the elderly so your baby boomer analogy is moot. How is that possible since prior to the vaccine that was not the case since immunity from natural CP in the youth afforded them and the elderly long term protection from shingles. Since the vaccine antibodies wane over time and boosters are required kids are now becoming susceptible to shingles.

    Still didn’t answer what booster you received when how many in one visit and if spaced apart how far apart. That goes for both of you.

    Btw there’s no edit button so some auto corrects appear as grammar illiteracy.


      • The infant/child mortality rates in the USA are mostly tied to lack of affordable health care. It is the only developed country without a comprehensive health care program, and the present congress and administration are trying to destroy the gains achieved in the past decade. Especially when they want to strip healthcare to poor women.

        Andrew, if you truly supported the health of infants, mothers and children you would give as much as you can to your local Planned Parenthood chapter. They provide inexpensive support to women’s health.


      • Due to men making laws controlling how women get healthcare, Texas has terrible infant mortality:

        First two sentences:

        “Last week, a new study found that Texas’ rate of pregnancy-related deaths nearly doubled between 2000-2014.

        While the study gives no clear answer as to why, speculation points to the 82 clinics that closed after the Texas Legislature cut funding to family planning clinics by two-thirds.”

        It has nothing to do with vaccines. It has everything to do with rich old white guys making decisions about access to healthcare by poor brown people.


      • That is a response to me not accepting papers by computer scientists.

        Dr. Might has written many papers, they are in the comment I wrote when not being a fumble fingers that is in moderation. But he is not the primary author on any of the medical papers.

        And yes! He has a PhD in computer science:

        Click to access matthew-might-cv.pdf

        Liked by 1 person

    • That has nothing to do with vaccines. Nor autism.

      In fact it was the first diagnosis of a disorder. That video is about genetics, and comparing the sequences between the parents. Then he used social media to find other cases. He actually spoke to real scientists (the papers generated would not have him as a primary author). He even experimented on himself.

      His son is still disabled. Plus the dad has added to the actual science. He has written many papers on computing, and medicine. He is not the primary author of most of the journal papers, those are authored by actual biology/medical researchers:

      Goldman and Seneff have done none of that.

      What this father did is an extension of what is being done through the Simons Foundation for autism:

      They are gathering the genetic samples from both parents and the child for comparison (sound familiar?). They have founds several sequences, plus some that respond with certain interventions (sound familiar?). Plus there are not online parent groups based on those genetic sequences (sound familiar?).

      Liked by 1 person

      • Me type very badly… try correct in italics and strike:

        They are gathering the genetic samples from both parents and the child for comparison (sound familiar?). They have founds several sequences, plus some that respond with certain interventions (sound familiar?). Plus there are now online parent groups based on those genetic sequences (sound familiar?).


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